Finding Peace, Recurrence of Symptoms & Much More!

If you're interested in learning more about the understanding that Amy and I discuss, be sure to check out The Little School of Big ChangeI recently sat down with my friend and mentor, Amy Johnson, to record an episode of her amazing podcast, Changeable.  If you've been around here for a bit, you've no doubt heard me mention Amy before.  Her work changed my life in every way, including the way I understand what it really means to "live well with gastroparesis."

In this episode, we talk about how this new understanding has changed my work and how it's impacted my own experience with the resolution of my GP symptoms and, more recently, the recurrence of them.

As I mention in this podcast, over the past six months or so, my gastroparesis symptoms have been showing up more frequently.  I haven't had a gastric emptying study since my second normal one in August 2018, so I don't know for sure if it's a return of actual delayed gastric emptying or more along the lines of functional dyspepsia.  At this point, it doesn't particularly matter to me.  I still don't take any medication and my gastric neurostimulator is still turned off (nearly three years now!) but I have made some changes to my diet, and I've started walking regularly again to help alleviate the physical symptoms.  But even my experience of those "to-dos" has'll see what I mean in the episode!

This is something that I've wanted to share for a while now but wasn't quite sure how to do so in a way that would convey how utterly different the experience of physical symptoms is for me now. I think this conversation with Amy did a great job of that.


Personal Update: Sixteen Years with Gastroparesis


My Experience: Gastric Stimulator